Home 2010


woman listening to music

How music helps you de-stress

Listening to music is among the easiest ways to relieve stress
DNA strand

Rewrite your DNA

Yes, you read it right. We can alter our genes with the power of our perceptions

Love thy self

The first step in changing what you don't like about your body is to accept it and love it

Instant mood boosters

Try these pick-me-ups to help lift your spirits in a jiffy. These work over your thoughts to directly influence your emotions and spare you from dwelling in negativity

What controls our behaviour

Behaviour is automatically controlled by subconscious mind's programmes when the self-conscious mind is not focused on the present moment

Be bright, not bitter

Resolve in your heart to live positively. Then train your mind every day and, little by little, make it stronger, so that you can become a person who can 'generate' your own energy

Protect yourself from forces of influence

Spot the hidden persuasion techniques people use to manipulate you

Blast from the past

Tripping on a negative memory from the past can cause an emotional eruption today. So, keep emotional aches like low self-esteem, worry, depression, feelings of inadequacy, low self-confidence, and the fear of being judged or rejected in check to enjoy the present

Acquired inabilities

Acquired perceptions in the subconscious mind often override our genetically-endowed instincts
Happy couple

Broken hearts and broken bones: What’s the connection?

A mere reminder of one's partner through a simple photograph is capable of reducing physical pain