Home 2024
Meditation vs. Trance: Is There a Difference?
Meditation is often misunderstood. To clear up the confusion, let’s understand the difference between true meditation and a trance-like state
First Time on the 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat? These Tips Will Help
Just signed up for your first vipassana retreat? Here's a guide on how to prepare yourself to sit through the 10 days
Thich Nhat Hanh Teaches How to Practice Conscious Breathing
Conscious breathing is the key to uniting body and mind and bringing the energy of mindfulness into each moment of our life
Health benefits of meditation + meditation tips for beginners
Here's a guide on how you can start to meditate and make it a part of your daily routine, in order to reap its benefits
Peace: Life Lessons From the Bhagavad-Gita
The Bhagavad-Gita contains wisdom that will help us get what we are really looking for, behind all pursuit of all the material stuff and experiences.
Pema Chödrön Explains How to Begin Your Meditation Practice
You don’t need to change a thing in order to start your meditation practice
How to ease into a daily routine of meditation
Most of us want to meditate, but we either don’t know how or we think we cannot keep away thoughts
Healing With the Hollow Bone Meditation
Becoming a hollow bone is a simple and effective way to induce a profound state of consciousness using the beats of a drum
My first 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat
How is it like to commit yourself to 10 days of silence at a Vipassana meditation retreat?
What happens in the mind as we focus on breath and sensations in the body?
Renowned neuroscientist Catherine Kerr speaks about the benefits of mindfulness meditation for both mind and body.