Home 2024
Relationship Issues? Key Questions to Ask a Love Psychic
When facing relationships issues, asking the right questions can bring clarity—whether through friends, therapists, or a love psychic
Dating Psychology: What Makes Us Attracted to One Another?
Attraction, in all its mystique and variety, remains a deeply personal and subjective experience
How to Live with a Perfectionist Partner: Advice From Experts
Being married to a perfectionist can be difficult. Here are some ways that can help make living with a perfectionist spouse easier
How Two Type A (Alpha) Personalities Can Make it Work
When both partners in a marriage are alpha personalities, you need to give your relationship extra care if you want it to last
10 solid tips for a happy married life
A happy married life takes sincere effort and commitment on the part of both partners. Here are 10 suggestions that will help
Buddha on Infidelity, Adultery and Betrayal
Whether you’re a victim of infidelity or its perpetrator, dealing with the emotional upheaval that arises due to an extra-marital affair can be devastating. In such turbulent times, Buddha’s wisdom can come to your rescue
How to resolve everyday conflicts in marriage
Resolving everyday conflicts in marriage doesn't requires ridding ourselves of our differences; it means learning to turn our differences into assets
Do relationships increase your chances of being happy?
Do you believe that getting married or starting a new relationship is necessary for being happy? Think again, says a new study
Why self-care is the key to a happy relationship
A happy and successful relationship begins with self-care, even if you might not have thought about the connection between the two before.
Are you the overdependent one in your marriage?
Being overdependent on your partner can cause him or her to feel suffocated in the marriage and will also stifle your own growth.