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Mother with her teenage daughter

Tips to Help Your Teenage Daughter Blossom Into a Thriving Adult

Guiding your teenage daughter is tough; these tips can help you support her as she grows into a confident and self-assured young adult
School teacher making girl write on board: "I will not runaway from school"

Understanding School Truancy: Navigating the Reasons and Finding Solutions

School truancy can be a complex issue, but understanding its root causes is key to helping children thrive both emotionally and academically
Mother hugging her child | Gentle parenting techniques

Gentle Parenting: Benefits, Challenges and Techniques

A mom explains the art of gentle parenting, an approach that believes in treating children with kindness, respect, and dignity
overexposure to screens concept | kids glued to a computer screen

Overexposure to Screens Among Children: Top Causes of Concern

There is scientific evidence that overexposure to screens is particularly harmful to children. Let's understand the risks and what you can do to help
Strict parenting | Mother scolding son

Strict parenting increases risk of depression in later life

Children who perceive their parents as harsh have an increased risk for depression in adolescence and later life
Picky toddler eating a strawberry

Is your toddler a picky eater? These 8 tips will help

Be in charge of what your picky eater eats but let her be in charge of how she eats it, says a pediatrician
Mother daughter playing outdoors

Redefine what success means for your children

If our goal as parents is to raise concerned and considerate human beings, let's free our children from the rat-race and redefine what true success is
Digital books versus print books for children

Without enhancements, digital books may harm young children’s learning

When digital books have features that reinforce storylines they outperform print counterparts
Father reprimanding his son | When Father Rejects His Child

When a Father Rejects His Child, the Mother’s Response Is Crucial

When the father rejects a child, how the mother responds to it proves crucial in determining the course of the child's life
close of of a smiling face of a child

Osho’s Solid Advice on Raising a Child

"Take the risk and let the child go into the unknown," says Osho to parents who wish to preserve the child's original, uncorrupted nature