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Answers to 7 commonly asked questions on office romance by orgnisational psychologist Amy Nicole Bakervideo

Answers to commonly asked questions on office romance

Organisational psychologist Amy Nicole Baker shares the real answers to commonly asked questions about office romance
Dr BJ Davis inspires you to overcome your self-doubtvideo

A former felon tells you how to overcome self-doubt

Dr B J Davis, a former felon, shares his powerful story of a miraculous transformation in which he overcame self-doubt and went on to obtain a doctorate in clinical psychology
Amy Morin on how bad mental habits are holding you backvideo

Why you should give up your bad mental habits

Amy Morin invites us to reflect on the bad mental habits that are holding us back
Bill Eckstrom on how discomfort is good for youvideo

Why seeking comfort is the worst thing you can do

Bill Eckstrom reveals how discomfort can trigger your growth in ways you may have never imagined

The incredible benefits of intermittent fasting

Fasting helps lose weight, increases lifespan, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and boosts your productivity
Robert Hoge: The man who owns his facevideo

Robert Hoge: The man who owns his “ugly” face

Born with a severely distorted face, Robert Hoge tells you why owning your own face is one the best things you will ever do for yourself

Want to learn something new? You need only 20 hours!

Best-selling author Josh Kaufman shares five steps that can help you learn anything to your advantage—in just 20 hours

5 precise steps for spiritual surrender

Far from being a necessary condition to achieving your goals, struggling is often counterproductive, says Gabrielle Bernstein

These centenarians prove that age is only a number

Three centenarians share invaluable lessons from their life

If this doesn’t inspire you, nothing will!

Board therapist Sean Stephenson shares three life-changing lessons with inmates of Ironwood State Prison, California