One fine day at 3pm, the president of the company called Bill Eckstrom to a small conference room in the top floor of his office building to tell him that he was fired. This unexpected crisis created the greatest amount of discomfort he had ever experienced and it changed his life forever—for the better.
“What makes you comfortable can ruin you and only in a state of discomfort can you continually grow,” says Bill Eckstrom who, after documenting and researching over 50,000 coaching interactions in the workplace, shares life-altering, personal and professional development ideas through the introduction of the “Growth Rings.” The rings illustrate how dangerous it can be to remain in a state of comfort and how being in discomfort is the only way to sustain growth. You’ll be amazed at the world-changing outcomes discomfort can have on your life and the lives of others.
If you are too comfortable, you are probably stagnating. “Seeking discomfort may sound odd but you have to learn to embrace it, if you are looking for sustained and exponential growth,” says Bill.
Watch this TEDx Talk to learn why order and comfort are the real threats and how you can go about creating discomfort, and thereby genuine growth, in your life.
About Bill Eckstrom
Bill Eckstrom is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, outdoorsman and father of three. With a passion deeply rooted in growth and development, Bill has always been fascinated by the role a coach has on the performance of individuals and teams. As a result, he founded the EcSell Institute whose sole focus is to educate, track and measure coaching effectiveness for leaders within organizations around the world. This has led to hundreds of keynotes, published articles and e-books created from the research and documentation of coaching interactions and outcomes. You can learn more about the EcSell Institute here: