Home 2024
How Effective Stress Management Enhances Health
Discover how stress management, including Yoga Nidra and insights from psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology, can improve health and wellbeing.
Why You Should Never Suppress Your Emotions + 6 Effective Strategies for Emotional Release
Regardless of the nature of emotions, when they get stuck, they become physiological problems for the body
How to Practice Letting Go in Daily Life
The act of letting go has profound benefits: physical, mental and spiritual. Here are 3 ways you can let go and embrace what life has to offer
How to tap into your inner genius
We struggle in life seeking to find our place in the sun, when the road to finding our genius is actually a simple one
Mastering the Law of Attraction: The Missing Link
Perhaps nothing has enamoured—and disillusioned—as many people as the law of attraction since it suddenly came into the limelight a few years ago. Was their disillusionment well-founded or were they missing something?
Becoming happy improves your health
We know that happier people are healthier, but does becoming happier lead to better health? Apparently it does, says new research
How to say “No!” to emotional eating
How often have you stumbled to your kitchen looking for something to eat to feel better?
How ego thwarts your authentic happiness
Authentic happiness is beyond the ego; it's the result of a deep knowing that comes from realizing our true nature
Struggling to lose weight? Try gratitude!
Not just for losing your weight or improving your health, gratitude can help transform all aspects of your life positively, says health coach Luke Coutinho
What you think about most becomes your reality
"As you think so shall you become" is not a cliché—it's the fundamental truth. Your dominant thoughts are responsible for all that happens to you