Home 2019
Struggling to lose weight? Try gratitude!
Not just for losing your weight or improving your health, gratitude can help transform all aspects of your life positively, says health coach Luke Coutinho
What you think about most becomes your reality
"As you think so shall you become" is not a cliché—it's the fundamental truth. Your dominant thoughts are responsible for all that happens to you
An NLP expert talks about the possible emotional causes of cancer
All diseases have their roots in negative emotions, so does cancer. Let's understand what could be the possible emotional causes of cancer
Does visualisation really help attract your heart’s desires?
Visualisation is an ancient practice that is known for its potent power to manifestation. But does it really work?
These centenarians prove that age is only a number
Three centenarians share invaluable lessons from their life
Embrace your pain and transform it into your power
Since there is no way to happiness except through pain, you might as well go through it willingly rather than trying to avoid it, says best-selling author Glennon Doyle Melton
Forget illness…let’s explore the causes of health
A renowned clinical neuropsychologist reveals some life-changing ways of how to look at health and illness
5 steps to a medication-free life
Every physical symptom originates from our consciousness. To heal our body in the most natural way we only need to go within
Do you suffer from frequent cold, headache or upset stomach? Check your emotions
Finding and eliminating the underlying negative emotions greatly aids in healing physical ailments
Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to your Biggest Challenges By Amy Cuddy
In Presence, Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy expands on her popular TED talk about adopting confident body postures, or “power poses”, to bring your best self to social and professional situations. The author points out that presence is not a continual state of being but a moment-to-moment experience which we can tweak through body language, behaviour and mind-set.