Home 2015
Changing strategy: Triggers By Marshall Goldsmith
Leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith takes a look at why most people find it difficult to change their behaviours and he offers practical suggestions to overcome those obstacles.
October 2014 issue: Law of attraction—not just a token of gratitude
Skeptics have dismissed the law of attraction as some unscientific, unverifiable mumbo jumbo. But there are still thousands who believe in the phenomenon, claiming that it has changed their lives for the better. So what exactly is the truth behind LoA? Is it really a big hoax or has it simply been misunderstood?
How to Tap Into the Power of Ho’oponopono
The Ho’oponopono prayer is a wonderful way to stop the monkey-mind and ask for forgiveness and correction of our thoughts in that moment
Words shape reality: These words deserve to be thrown out
Words shape our present and future. It doesn’t take much to turn our life around and revamp our vocabulary to one that aligns with our authentic self
How Being Grateful Keeps You Healthy
Everyone these days talks about the power of gratitude, but how exactly does being thankful impact your life?
Late night snacks
Don’t cheat—just change your late night snack options and fight those binges.
Creativity: The secret of happiness, wellness, and positive change
Creativity is not just for the artists; everyone is creative. In fact, it's a primal need and is necessary for your wellbeing. Find out how you can tap into your creativity to transform your life
Placebo Nocebo: Pills of belief
In the world of placebos and nocebos, what you believe in will surely be manifested
Yes! You can lose weight
Combine Thich Nhat Hahn’s mindfulness teachings with Lilian Cheung’s scientific expertise and what you get is a powerful, no-nonsense weight management approach
Discover the infinite power of gratitude
Gratitude can change difficulty into ease, attract positivity and abundance, help you bask in good health and spread delight.