Geetha G H
A nutritionist busts common myths about coconut oil
Coconut oil is nature's bounty and can be used for external application on the skin as well for cooking. Get your facts right on this versatile oil.
10 commonly asked questions about apple cider vinegar
All you need to know about apple cider vinegar before you go buy yourself a bottle of it
Wonderful Indian Alternatives for 13 “Super Foods”
Eating local is always the right way to eat. If you are living in India, here's how you can swap expensive imported super foods with these local inexpensive ones
What makes millets a super food for diabetics
Millets are not just bird seed, but the secret to enjoying your grains while staying gluten free, keeping your blood sugar low and accelerating weight loss
What to eat and what to avoid to prevent kidney stones
It's easy to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones if you follow the correct diet
The tried and tested way to weight loss
Team up your exercise regime with the right food and fluid intake to get better and quicker results
How much is too much? When healthy food turns unhealthy
How these 10 super foods could harm you, if taken in excess
Late night snacks
Don’t cheat—just change your late night snack options and fight those binges.