Home 2010
Managing hypochondriasis
"Oh my god! I think it's cancer." Hypochondriacs jump to such conclusions at the slightest sign of irregularity in their body. The problem is, they truly believe it
Thoughts become things
The circumstances that you experience in life are all a result of your thoughts. To change your experience, change your thoughts
Gain confidence, lose weight
Obesity is directly linked with low self-esteem. Once you build a positive self-image, you'll find it easy to get in shape
Realise your true nature
You can rise above your circumstances if you realise your true nature
Be your own guide
Your inner spiritual self has the ability to motivate you whenever you feel low
Am I mad if I visit a shrink?
Visiting a psychologist does not mean that you've lost your mind. It just means that you want to change for the better with a little 'outside' help
Discover the real you
What you think about your self, is how the world sees you; change your self image
Back to square one
No matter what happens to you, you can restore your natural state of being calm and peaceful
Words have life
The words you say to yourself shape your personality, health and life. Use them carefully
There is a way out of depression
Depression is becoming increasingly common. But you don't have to accept it, there is a way out of this condition