Home 2010



Rosemary: The VIP

Don't go by the looks of this petite-looking herb; it's a VIP [very important plant] in many cuisines, medicines and even cosmetics

Ginseng: Deep-rooted gains

Ginseng is a multi-faceted herb packed with a host of health benefits

Immunity boosters: 3 Herbs

Use these three herbs to build and maintain a strong immune system

On going green

Things you wanted to know about vegetarianism and didn't know who to ask

World Heart Day Special: Herbs for a healthy heart

A healthy heart is the foundation of a healthy body and mind. Here are some herbs that will improve your heart health
Garden Cress

Garden cress: small seed with big benefits

Garden cress seeds are loaded with nutrition. When you learn about their health benefits, you'll want to make them an part of your diet sooner than later

Oregano: the versatile herb

The Mediterranean herb not just makes for good pizza seasoning, but adds flavour to a variety of dishes and has amazing curative properties
Fennel seeds

Fennel: The digestive herb

Fennel is a flavourful herb with many medicinal and culinary uses

Green tea time

Make green tea a part of your daily diet to stay healthy
Kadi Patta

Kadi Patta: Long live the curry leaves

Curry leaves are healthy and play a significant role in adding flavour to food