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Move with grace

Correct your posture to live longer, feel stronger and look younger
Woman exercising in gym

Sleep more, exercise better

Spike your exercise performance by making quality sleep an integral part of your fitness regime

Don’t give up on your abs yet

It is easy to lose your potbelly even after 40—provided you drop your misconceptions

Break these blocks to weight loss

Clear the roadblocks in your journey to weight loss and then try again

Exercises: Try them all

Add variety to your fitness regimen to make it lively and complete

Cardio exercise: get on track

Old or young, fat or thin, fit or flabby, a regular cardio routine is a must for everyone

Sporty @ forty

What you should know when embarking on the road to fitness in your 40s

Who says fitness needs time?

You can stay active even without changing your schedule

Exercise dos and don’ts

Here's a list of workout dos and don'ts that is guaranteed to bring instant improvement to your fitness levels

Sore no more

Don't let workout aches and pains come in the way of your fitness. If you're just beginning a new sports or exercise programme, be well-informed and understand the degree and severity of the pain you experience