Home 2007


Woman having green salad

Be Liver Friendly

Liver is said to be the seat of life. So, keep it healthy through natural cleansing
Two women laughing to each other

Laugh Your Way to Health

Laughter releases just as much endorphins, the feel-good chemical, as a bout of physical exercise. It also offers many therapeutic benefits

Healing Power of Mudras

The innate power of mudras can help us tide over our physical, mental, and emotional problems. It also promotes spiritual renewal
with nature

Small Steps, Big Benefits

You need not invest a good deal of your time, and energy, to bring fresh tidings in your life

Colon Care

Colon cleansing flushes out toxins from our bodies. But, it is best performed under the supervision of a therapist.
Woman meditating

Oxygen and Ozone Therapies

Oxygen and ozone therapies have powerful health-promoting effects

Breathing for Good Health

Breathing is a basic bodily function. It is our connection to life itself. When we have control over it, we can get the most out of our health and energy levels

Home cures for detoxification

Ever thought of help from your kitchen to cleanse your body of toxins and promote a healthier you?

Flower Remedies

The curative power of Bach flower essences lies not only in curing physical symptoms, but also in tackling emotional states of our mind

Day-dreams are made of these!

Day-dreaming or "zoning-out" helps the mind and body cope with the stresses of everyday life and also maintain our balance