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CW Research Team

CW Research Team
CW Research Team is led by the Editors of Complete Wellbeing Manoj Khatri and Dr Grazilia Almeida-Khatri and guided by an advisory panel of leading experts from around the world.

5 rules to follow as you bring your spark to life

Are you looking to find your individual spark, your calling in life? Simon Sinek shares 5 rules that will help you realize it

7 reasons to add walnuts to your diet

Young or old, everyone can be mentally sharper by eating walnuts

The one vital life skill we were never taught in school

A priest highlights the value of concentration and shares an easy but powerful technique that you can practise to develop the power of focus in your life

How to stop excessive thinking and experience the aliveness of your being

Watch Eckhart Tolle as he tells the questioner how to transcend the habit of excessive thinking

This inspiring video will change the way you think about rape

"It's about time that we stop treating sexual violence as a women's issue," says Thordis Elva who was raped by her boyfriend when she was only 16

Sound sleep: one solution for many problems

A good night's rest can do wonders for your physical and emotional wellbeing

Hospice nurse shares 30 years of experience with the dying

A hospice nurse shares moving stories from her years of being by the bedside of sick and dying patients. There's lots to learn for all of us.

The nuisance called snoring

Simple solutions for your snoring problem

These DIY planters for your home garden will delight you

Before you go out and buy pots for your home garden, look around your house and see what items can be converted to planters

You will love these 10 handy tips to help you manage your hair

Women know that long hair is not easy to manage. But Patry Jordan has discovered some creative ways to help you with your hair