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Pebbles one above the other / concept of honouring yourself

7 affirmations to bring balance to your life

The author shares seven affirmations that will gently help you to bring back the balance in life

Here’s why you should consider psychotherapy for bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complex condition and the role of psychotherapy in its treatment plan cannot be overloooked
Amy Morin on how bad mental habits are holding you backvideo

Why you should give up your bad mental habits

Amy Morin invites us to reflect on the bad mental habits that are holding us back
Counsellor with client in counselling therapy

Common Questions About Seeking Counseling Therapy

Are you contemplating counselling therapy but unsure of what to expect? Here are answers to five common questions about seeking counselling
Close up of a mother with her newborn baby in the hospital / postpartum depression concept

How I overcame postpartum depression

A young mother recounts her encounter with postpartum depression and her journey towards healing
Narcissist mother with scapegoat son, narcissistic family

The narcissistic family: rotten to the core

All it takes is one narcissistic member in the family to ruin the dynamics of the entire family and negatively impact more generations than one
man with eye closed relaxed, post trauma

Here’s what you need to know about post traumatic growth

There is always something profound to learn from every post traumatic situation. And there are methods to help you do that
woman looking in mirr | Body Dysmorphic Disorder concept

Are you suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Body image disorder is a serious mental health condition that can even lead to suicide
Woman depressed after a heartbreak

How to Overcome a Heartbreak and Start Living Again

Time is the only true healer of a heartbreak but here are few things that can help ease your pain
Silhouette of an anxious woman; anxiety concept

Coping with anxiety: 10 things you can do to help yourself right now

A crisis counsellor shares a holistic approach to dealing with anxiety