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Natural painkillers found in every kitchen

Try these foods to alleviate pain; you may be surprised at the results

The many health benefits of figs

...on nutrients and health gains. Savour this yummy fruit for your own good
Woman cooking

Cooking methods compared

The nutritive value and taste of the same food changes according to the cooking method you use. Here is a brief guide to cooking methods and their pros and cons.

Eat it all: Add variety to your diet

Eating the same kind of food is not only boring but also nutritionally unwise

Onions: worth the tears

Not only do onions add flavour to our food, but they also impart numerous health benefits

Know meat, No meat

On the occasion of World Meatless Day, Dada J P Vaswani offers four good reasons to quit eating meat.
Women cutting vegetables in kitchen

Fat, and healthy?

If you've been avoiding all fats, don't. Because, some are essential for health and stamina
Woman having orange juice

Keeping cool

Here are a few simple tips to control and manage increased body heat

How not to diet

Do you remember all that you learnt about dieting? Good. Now forget it. And read on to learn the right way to change your food habits to actually start losing some weight

12 weight loss tricks

Dieting does not mean starving yourself. Instead, choose the right kind of foods that will help you lose weight