Home 2008


Empty boat

The Empty Boat

Would we get angry if an empty boat collided with our boat?
Sinner Saint concept

Even a Sinner Can Become A Saint, Says Dada Vaswani

Even sinners have a future of getting onto the path of righteousness. It's just a question of looking inward and realizing how divine every human being is

Rev. Dada J P Vaswani on Health and Happiness

Dada Vaswani shares his wisdom about long-lasting health and happiness

Fresh new philosophy

In this new age, scientific and psychological beliefs matter more than religious ones

Osho shows you how to cope with misery

The moment you absorb misery, it is transformed

Don’t think, meditate

As we understand how to guide the mind, we can start our journey to achieving meditation - a zero thought state
Concept of an Earthquake—Natural Disaster

Spiritual lessons from a natural disaster

Every natural disaster teaches us spiritual lessons and makes us realise the value of life we live

This too shall pass

Time gives us room to move on, do other things, fill our mind with new thoughts, and thus realise that we can still experience happiness

We’re all Oneness

MANOJ Khatri met RASHA and got her to share some of the divine wisdom she received from "Oneness". Here are some excerpts

Love Beyond Lust

Developing consciousness in life and love is important as unconscious love is only lust