Home 2007



HAY FEVER: A nosey affair

Itchy, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, or cough? It could be due to pollution-induced allergy

Make your kitchen germ-free

A tidy kitchen keeps diseases at bay

Obesity: Battle of the Bulge

Obesity, a major cause for concern worldwide, is more than a growing epidemic. It is time we tackled its many dangers effectively

Pain in the elbow

Tennis elbow can be treated with simple measures such as ice bag, adequate rest and a slice of ginger

Back pain? Sit right!

Why sitting slumped in front of your PC, or laptop, won't help your back's cause one bit

Sleep apnoea: It Takes Your Breath Away

Sleep apnoea [apnea] is temporary stoppage of breathing in sleep. It can cause health problems
Silhouette of a woman doing yoga outdoors at dawn

A Prelude to Ashtanga

Ashtanga yoga helps us lead a purposeful life

ABC of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a swelling of the liver. It can lead to liver malfunction and scarring, or cirrhosis, and also cancer

Blame it on Your Sinus

Have you ever had nasal blockages with running nose, sneezing along with tiredness, due to body ache? It may be sinusitis.

Healing Power of Sleep

Sleep is often forgotten, ignored, and expended. It is occasionally longed for, but rarely studied