Samreedhi Goel
Fitness Tales
People join gyms for different reasons! Some do it for losing weight, some to improve their stamina and others to get a makeover! I spoke to a few people who have been working out with me in my exercise studio. They have shared their fitness stories with us. Here’s what they have to say.
Be active at work
Here are a few exercise that you can do at your workplace to stay active and healthy
Exercise at home
Follow this simple do-it-yourself plan to exercise your way to fitness at home
Simple exercises for the heart
A cardio work-out is a physical activity that ups your heart rate, helps lungs expand with good effect, and burns stored fat in the body
Exercise to lower stress
Doing exercise has a positive effect on the mind, helping you deal with the stresses of day-to-day life
Make Time for Fitness
Make fitness a priority. It not only makes you look better, but also feel better
Exercise Tips for Diabetics
A good work-out is valuable in diabetes management. It helps keep blood sugar levels under control
7 Fitness Habits to Cultivate Now
Many of us are just thinking of our body and forgetting our health