If you are one of those people who just cannot seem to find a good enough reason to start exercising, you ought to stop procrastinating now.
So, just begin, or get into, an exercise programme. Exercise can help improve your sex life, significantly.
Exercise is not only a well-documented means of maintaining muscle tone and losing fat, recent studies also suggest that it can revitalise your sex life.
- Exercise helps to improve your self-image. Once you start exercising and shaping your body, it helps you to automatically dispel the “Am-I-too-fat/too-skinny?” thought. When you feel good about yourself, you will perceive yourself as more desirable and experience greater levels of satisfaction.
- Regular cardio work-outs boost your endurance. Huff puff, pant, pant, wheeze. time-out. If minimum activity tires you out, then it’s probably the same thing in bed! Give your stamina a boost by getting off the couch. Start a cardio work-out for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 days a week. It rejuvenates.
- Strength training endures. Conditioning your muscles by lifting light-to-moderate weights, about three times a week, will help build your endurance and muscle strength. This will also ensure that you last longer in bed. Another plus of doing weights regularly is a more chiselled physique, and less flab in men and women. This also pumps energy in to your look-good-feel-hot factor!
- Exercise improves erections; it also reduces risk of impotence. Exercise can actually lower the chances of impotence [Source: The Annals of Internal Medicine, August 2003]. Researchers looked at men over the age of 50, and found those who were physically active reported better erections with a 30 per cent lower risk of impotence than men who were inactive.
- Exercise improves erectile dysfunction. Research proves that lifestyle modifications [avoiding smoking, junk-, or fast-food], including a healthier diet lower in calories, and regular exercise, improve erectile dysfunction in obese men [Source: The Journal of the American Medical Association, June 2004].
- Exercise boosts your blood circulation. Exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves the blood flow to various organs, thereby improving your sexual potency. Exercise, coupled with a healthy diet and sufficient sleep, reduces stress. This increases your feeling of wellbeing. It also boosts your libido.
So, enough of reading. How about some action for a change? In the gym, of course!