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February 2016 issue: Preventing burnouts

Not being challenged at work is bound to make you feel disengaged, causing boredom, which ultimately leads to burnout
Inner child concept

Set your inner child free

Inner child therapy lets us work on our past so that we can heal our future

Control your obsessions

Everyone is fixated to some degree about something or the other. But when our worries get out of control it can lead to misery

The feeling shield

Paul Dooley shares how you can protect your feelings from the agonising behaviour of another
Woman consoling her friend / Compassion Fatigue Concept

Beware of Compassion Fatigue

A trauma therapist tells you how your compassion for someone could be harming you in ways you couldn’t imagine

Coping with an unexpected illness

Ramgopal Vallath shares how he coped and what he learned when an unexpected illness threatened to shatter his whole life
Woman without any stress

How Mindfulness Helps Reduce Stress

The only stress that is legitimate is when it occurs as a response to physical danger. With mindfulness, you can do away with all other kinds of stresses, and with it, all its accompanying drawbacks.

My journey from anxiety to serenity

Sufferers of anxiety disorder often let their disease get the best of them, but Pauline McKinnon dealt with her demons decisively

How I Cured My Shopping Addiction

Recovering shopaholic Debbie Roes confesses about what it is like to have a full closet and an empty life

Let your emotions flow naturally like Mother Nature

Nature conveys her feelings through the seasons as she vents her anger, shows her joys and displays her sorrow. Why then do we suppress our emotions?