Home 2009


painting showing season changes

Embrace change

Accepting that change is permanent helps us begin to live in the present moment
Football players

Enjoy the process

Competitions are good if you are in them for the sheer thrill and not the winning
Cute baby girl

The girl child is an incentive in herself

A girl child brings warmth, happiness and vibrancy into our lives. That's reason enough to welcome her into this world with open arms
It is easy to spread happiness

Want to spread happiness? Be happy!

Do you wish to be a source of happiness for your loved ones but wonder what to do? The good news is that it's quite easy to spread happiness
Thoughts can affect the world

Minding can matter

Thoughts are potent. They have the power to influence and create anything we want - from personal success to world peace
Happy man sitting on sofa

Good news

Not everyone out there wants to rip us. In fact, most people are honest and trustworthy
business man with personal goals on the wall: family - car and a house

Purposeful dreaming

If the word dreaming conjures up words like frivolous, idle and useless, think again
Two girls talking

Trust and vulnerability

Trusting others is risky but the payoffs may be worth it
Illustration: giving respect

Don’t demand respect — command it!

Giving respect without feeling it inside is pretentious. Insisting on such respect is false pride

And the plot thickens

There is dynamic beauty in grief and sorrow, light and darkness and positive and negative events in life