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Illustration: My heart is heavy

My Heart Is Heavy!

A feeling of heaviness in your heart or your head is not just a figure of speech
Rad fish with light and other fish are going opposite direction | Truth is not determined by majority

Truth is not determined by the majority

The truth about truth is that neither is it always what everyone believes it is, nor is it what appears to be
Woman feeding food to dog

Get rid of your conscience

Don't let scruples guide your actions, because they are developed on the basis of borrowed values, not your own
couple mirror | soulmate concept

Your Soulmate Is Your Mirror

...that reflects your whole self to you, helping you see what's to love and what's to work on
Woman thinking

It’s time to thank…

...your stars, God, friends, colleagues, parents—everyone and everything
Man and woman discussing

Cultivate your first nature

All the time, your instincts are telling you what you need to know. All you have to do is, listen
Man keep legs on the desk and relaxing

We create through attention

We manifest in our lives whatever it is we focus on. Choose to centre your thoughts on all that is positive to create a life of positivity and happiness
woman feeling blissful as she surrenders

Surrender Liberates You From Unnecessary Strife

It's our ego that eggs us on to aspire. And our ego that stops us from achieving what we want
Happy woman

One life – Why so serious?

Brood over life and you'll simply exist. Learn to celebrate it, and you'll really live
happy businessman

Hard work is overrated

Work becomes play if you love what you do. Then, success just happens