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Mayuri Sharrma

Mayuri Sharrma
Mayuri Sharrma is a Tarot Card Reader, Columnist and Freelance Writer. Because she is already aware of what the future holds, she enjoys unwrapping the present.

Queer coincidences

Have you noticed how things happen to us when we least expect them?

GYM: A cool hang-out

Fitness is not just about being fit anymore. It is about flaunting yourself and broadening social circles too

Here comes the Pride

A wedding is no longer merely about the "groom" and the "bride" but about "pride"

Money silences all critics

When money talks, nobody criticises its accent

Seeing Red

There's something about Valentine's Day, a day some look forward to, while some look to with dread

Hello Mars, Venus Here

In spite of belonging to the same species, men and women find it difficult to understand each other. Here is a monologue rant from a lady, who desperately wishes to convey her point-of-view

Teatotaller’s woes

The reason I don't need a drink is because I'm always high on life

Travel Travails

How memorable your journey will depend a lot on who your co-travellers are

Of Habit and Habits

A habit is something you do without thinking - which is why most of us have so many of them

Say “No” to “Yes”

What are the consequences of saying "No?" Go figure!