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Monthly Archives: January 2015


February 2015 issue: 100th issue special

To commemorate the 100th issue, this month’s cover story is a mega feature that brings together some of the most powerful pieces of wisdom published across the past 99 issues

My journey from anxiety to serenity

Sufferers of anxiety disorder often let their disease get the best of them, but Pauline McKinnon dealt with her demons decisively
A woman is annoyed by a toxic friend | toxic friendship concept

Signs Of Toxic Friendship (and How To Withdraw Gracefully)

Sheela Preuitt shares tips to evaluate friendships in case they are no longer nourish us

How I won the battle with my bulge

Most of us struggle with weight loss, trying one crash diet after another hoping that the fat will melt away but sometimes determination is all you need

Financial fallacies we follow

To earn more you need to work harder or be a financial wizard, right? Wrong! Manoj Arora busts some common misconceptions about wealth creation

Narcolepsy: Sleeping away through life

Most of us would love to sleep longer. But what if we fell asleep anywhere and at any time? That’s a scary prospect that people with narcolepsy face everyday

Minimalism :The joy of stuff-free living

Minimalism is about putting things into perspective so that we don’t end up loving things and using people

Giving to everyone, without reservation

How often do we hold back from giving, especially to those we hate? Osho says that when we share our joys even with those we dislike, they multiply

The correct way to warm up before a workout

Do you feel that warm-ups impede your workout? Or are they an integral part? Facts about warm-up exercises you need to know

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

If you have tried everything—from Atkins to the South Beach diet—and still haven’t lost weight, it’s time you gave mindfulness a shot