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Rajan Bhonsle

Rajan Bhonsle
Dr Rajan Bhonsle, MD, is a consultant in sexual medicine and counsellor. Along with his wife Minnu R Bhonsle, PhD, who is a consulting psychotherapist and counsellor, he runs a unique therapy centre

In the name of Family

Parents exert a significant influence on the lifes of their children -- for better or ... for worse

Couple fights: Daddy v/s Mummy

Keep your child out of your blame game. Forcing your child to take sides and choose among parents is equal to sentencing her to a lifetime of hell

Couple quarrels: Fighting for good?

Fights help keep the fire alive in a marriage. But do they really help fan the fire or put it out?

When storks visit

To parents, their children's sexual development may seem a long way off. But actually, kids develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality in many subtle ways as they grow

Love is the aphrodisiac

Aphrodisiacs are a myth. Sexual desire or drive cannot be induced with the help of an outside agent; it has to come from within

Encounters of a marital kind

Disagreements need not break a healthy relationship if some ground rules of confrontation are kept in mind

Fears stalk marriages

A healthy relationship can be hampered by hidden fears and anxieties

Her Big O! Female orgasm is key to happy relationships

A senior sexologist explains why the big O, female orgasm, is important the sexual fulfillment of female partners in a relationship

EARLY MARRIAGE: Look before you leap

Marrying hastily, without proper and mature consideration about the conseqeunces, could lead to separation.

PORNOGRAPHY: It can affect your marriage

Pornography is that compulsive behaviour which destroys your marriage by slowly deteriorating the bonds of love and trust