Rajan Bhonsle
All because of mom and dad
Are your parents unwittingly ruining your married life with wrong advice, interference, over-protectiveness? Yup, it happens
Nourish your relationship
Partners are like two wheels of a bicycle. They both have to assume equal responsibility of taking things ahead. Are you taking yours?
Sexual Fantasies Can Ruin Your Sex Life
Sexual fantasies make you dependent on outside stimulation, leading to decrease in your natural ability to feel turned on by your partner
Save your sex life
Problems in the relationship often show up in the bedroom. To enjoy a happily-ever-after sex life, sort out your issues from time to time
Don’t let sex rule your marriage
There is lot more to a relationship than just the bedroom. Sex is just one of the many ways of expressing love, care and intimacy
In health and in sickness…
When making these promises at the marriage altar, do couples really know the challenges that life might have in store for them?
Homosexuality: A Doctor’s Perspective
A sexual medicine expert provides his medical opinion on homosexuality
Should you spy on your spouse?
Not if your relationship has open communication, healthy respect and space
Love is a verb
If you want a fairy-tale marriage, you have to work towards making it so. The first step is getting rid of all that is contaminating your loving relationship
Can One Woman Love Two Men?
Is it possible for a woman to love two men? When and why does it happen? A psychotherapist answers...