Gayatri Pagdi
How to manage your mood
Our moods determine our response towards events in our life. Understanding our moods, and learning how to manage them is, therefore, critical. Some practical mood management tips
Make Time for Relationships
Making time for family and friends takes some earnest efforts and understanding your responsibility towards them
BEREAVEMENT: When Support is Strength
What helps us to get on with life in moments of grief is a strong social support system
Laugh Your Way to Health
Laughter releases just as much endorphins, the feel-good chemical, as a bout of physical exercise. It also offers many therapeutic benefits
GRANDPARENTS: playmates like no other
There's something eternal and unchanging about the grandparent-child relationship
Thinking Differently
For a rational species, it is irrationality that often seems to "work." Why?
Beat the Heat
Summer is a big challenge to your skin. It need not be so - if nature's cooling tools are put to good use
Her Mother’s Daughter
The mother-daughter relationship, no matter how healthy or how troubled, plays a major role in the way every daughter visualises and lives her own life
Winds of Change
Living well for today's woman means a lot more than health. It encompasses a broad range of issues in every aspect of her existence