The Hillcart Tales: Refreshingly Royal

The Hillcart Tales belongs to every tea lover’s kitchen shelf

The Hillcart Tales assortment

Tea, the ubiquitous beverage loved all over the world, comes in many different varieties and flavours. But not all teas are made equal. Take The Hillcart Tales for instance. From their presentation to their flavours, everything about The Hillcart Tales comes across as refreshingly royal.

Our review kit contained four vibrant looking packs that would tempt anyone to open them right away. Each pack had 14 muslin tea bags presented in beautiful wrappers that open like a flower blooming. Each wrapper has a quote that inspires your mind even as you expect the tea to do the same to your body. “If you can dream it, you can achieve it”, said Zig Ziglar in the first tea bag that we unwrapped (Watch Unwrapping a Hillcart Tales teabag below).

The Hillcart Tales teabag unwrapped
Each wrapper reveals a delightful quote to inspire

The entire process of unwrapping the tea bag and immersing it into the cup of hot water feels oddly rich and satisfying, taking our expectations from the actual product sky high.

So did the tea meet our expectations? Indeed! We could say that it exceeded them. Each infusion we tried uplifted the senses. Tiramasu Delight, the dessert tisane, was our favourite. The pack says: “A velvet smooth blend with indulgent flavours of rosehip and cinnamon. Mild and creamy aroma of mascarpone perfectly complements this delicious brew of Rooibos tea.” Smooth it certainly is, this infusion! And the delightful aroma soothes your entire being.

The Hillcart Tales’ century-old lineage lends them expertise at blending the flavours, a skill they use deftly to create the finest infusions. Many of their products can that can be savoured hot or cold.

Unwrapping The Hillcart Tales teabag

The individually handcrafted, environment-friendly muslin bags are reminiscent of their place of origin—from the plush and exotic locales of Darjeeling, to the expansive gardens of Assam; high grown teas of Rwanda and the misty gardens of Taiwan. The multi-layer packaging ensures that customers savour the distinct classic and contemporary tastes.

Conscious brand

Apart from cherishing its rare tea blends, The Hillcart Tales is an ethically, socially, and globally conscious brand. They support growth in promoting traditional skills and expertise, access to education and training, and environment sustainability. Their environment-friendly and hygienic packaging provides employment to underprivileged women.

The company proudly states that each of their 32 variants are harvested from leaves of fresh virgin buds and the first few of their kind obtained from select gardens, picked only after thorough examination of suppleness and freshness. The careful selection of the choicest leaves forms the constancy and originality of the broad range of their rare teas.

Presented in packs of 7 and 14 tea bags and 150g or 75g loose leaf teas of Green, Black, Infusions, and Exotic Teas, we think The Hillcart Tales belongs to every tea lover’s kitchen shelf.

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