GARLIC: Kitchen Marvel

Our ancients used garlic to treat wounds, infections, tumours, and even intestinal affections, including parasitic infections. They also used it as a garnish - to purify blood and improve circulation

GarlicScience today attests to the fact that garlic not only lowers cholesterol, but also blood pressure. It is also praised as a natural remedy that can thin the blood, and thereby reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

Garlic is nature’s very own antibiotic. It can crush bacteria and prevent infections. It is also evidenced to be a good anti-oxidant.

Garlic has been found to be useful in certain skin disorders like eczema, and vaginal infections, especially Candidiasis.

What makes garlic a wonder food

Garlic contains allicin, an amino acid. This is what gives garlic the strong odour when it is crushed. A certain chemical in allicin is responsible for the vital medicinal properties of the herb.

Herbalists contend that a clove of garlic can equal the anti-bacterial action equivalent to 1 per cent penicillin – this is not a tall claim, but a scientific reality!

This is also one reason why herbalists claim that garlic can be more effective than penicillin in typhus, cholera, dysentery and enteritis [inflammation of the small intestine].

Garlic has also been used effectively in the treatment of flu, common cold, sinusitis, sore throat, and upper respiratory infections, such as bronchitis and asthma, diabetes, urinary tract infections, acne, arthritis, ulcers, athlete’s foot, and fungal infections. It is also said to be a natural aphrodisiac.

You can also use it as a good detox agent — garlic is evidenced to stimulate the production of the liver’s own detoxifying enzymes which can rout any cancer-causing activity in the body, and other environmental toxins, including bad effects of pollution.

Garlic has also been used to rid the body of intestinal parasites and treat digestive problems.

Researchers, who have been studying the anti-cancer properties of garlic for over 50 years now, suggest that people who ate the greatest amount of garlic have the lowest incidence of stomach cancer. What’s more, garlic is a great immune booster – it is believed to increase the fundamental activity of our white blood cells and T-cells, our natural defence force, that are critical for the normal and optimal functioning of our immunity.

Good for the heart

Garlic is an excellent remedy to dissolve blood clots — which are notorious to cause heart attacks or stroke. Besides improving blood circulation, garlic has been proven to enhance the level of “good” cholesterol [HDL], and decrease the levels of “bad” cholesterol [LDL], without side-effects.

It is also reported that garlic can effectively lower blood pressure. It would be, however, interesting to note that when you take garlic for at least two or three months, your cholesterol level may rise a bit for a while before it settles down. No need to worry about it!

Garlic has been used as a long-term dietary supplement, in capsule form, with excellent effect. The best advantage — garlic can be taken with conventional medicines without any adverse effects.

Dosage: 250 – 500 mg, two-three times daily, or as prescribed by your physician/therapist.


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