To improve our looks, we join a gym or start exercises like walking, swimming, and yoga and achieve fitness of the body. But, what about your face? Ever thought of exercising your facial muscles? Yes, doing facial exercises regularly can will not only help you tone your face but also give you that inner glow, taking several years off your face.
Beauty lies within
Our face is made up of 57 muscles. Yet, for most people, fitness starts only from the shoulder level, going down. Muscles have a tendency to increase in size and firmness when they are exercised. Giving your face a workout can help build and firm your facial and neck muscles.
So can this produce just as astonishing results as an expensive procedure or surgery would? Yes, if you start early and do these facial exercises regularly. Minute by minute, day by day, you can work on yourself and sculpt your face.
Facial exercises for a healthy and glowing face
Facial exercises are like face yoga, and they promote the production of healthier, more resilient cells naturally. Muscle fibre and connective tissue must be challenged to remain vital, healthy and youthful. Facial exercises improve the flow of blood to the face and more oxygen and nutrition reaches the skin. It is a non-surgical way to improve the problem areas of the face such as:
- Droopy eyelids
- Crow’s feet
- Under eye puffiness
- Sagging cheeks
- Cheek folds
- Droopy jaw line
- Vertical line around the lips
- Thinning lips
- Double chin effect
- Loose skin on the neck area.
For the first month, devote at least 10 minutes daily to do these facial exercises. Later you can do them four times a week. Because the facial muscles are small and easily isolated, truly dramatic results will be achieved in a short time span.
Benefits of facial exercises
- It stimulates blood circulation to feed the cells of the outer layers, promoting better colour and skin tone.
- It rejuvenates the elasticity and natural collagen, and smooths sunken areas of the face.
- It diminishes fine lines and softens deeper lines to create a more firm and youthful texture.
- It brightens and tightens the skin.
People of all age groups, right from 16 – 72 years, benefit from these facial exercises. The younger have problems of heavy cheeks or double chin. The middle age complain of toning up, and 45 and above for sagginess and deep naso-labial folds and wrinkles. It works well both for sculpting and toning the face as well as for delaying and reversing the effects of aging.
5 simple facial exercises
The following five simple facial exercises will help you improve your looks and delay those aging lines from appearing
1. Naso-labial lines and corners of mouth
Place two fingers on either side of the mouth and pull them towards the ears. Purse your lips and pout. Hold for a count of 10. Do 10 reps to avoid naso-labial lines and sharpen corners of your mouth.
2. Eye muscles 
Place two fingers at the corner of your eyes. Shut your eyes tight. Open. Do 10 reps to strengthen your eye muscles.
3. Chin muscle 
Place three fingers on the chin. Pull down your lower jaw. Curl your lower lip inside the mouth, against the pull of the fingers. Do 10 reps.
4. Double chin 
Press the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth. Place the ball below the chin and press upwards. Hold for count of three. Release the pressure of the ball. Do 10 reps to avoid double chin.
5. Cheek lift
Place two fingers below the chin and pull it to one side. Place the ball on the other side of the cheek. Raise the ball towards the upper ear lifting the cheek muscles. Hold for count of 10 and smile to the same side of the ball. Do 10 reps.
Hello mam if the facial exercises cause any changes . Are they reversible . Can we get our original face shape back after we stop doing them ?
😂😂 girl it’s just a fucckin heck don’t do that
Hii mam, I am 5 ft 7 and my face is too small according to my body please tell me some exercices. It looks very dirty and effects my personality. I am worried about it since 2 years please help me. Thank you
These facial exercises can provide a real and lasting change to the skin. I will definitely follow these exercises. Thanks and keep sharing.
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My doctor said due to harmonal change my face is becoming thinner. But then why all girls of my age dont have these same changes to their face as well.
How to increase cheeks without gaining weight?
Hi I have small face in width …plz suggest me some exercise or any other natural way
My face is too small according to my body. it looks so dirty…plzz tell me some exercise to increase face length.
Same here so did u get any solution?
i want straight squaric face
Hi mam i am a 14 year old boy .And i am in worry abt m’y ugly looking large,long heavy does not fit m’y body.m’y jaw has just Côme out of m’y face. And makes me ugly.ans as a result i have become a matter of joke in my friends mam help me out of this predicament..
my upper face ( frm eye t0 head) is too small can u suggest me any exersises to enlarg my upper head portion
hi mam my facial bone structure is so small to my body can i change my facial bone structure?
My cheeks are so fat .I want to reduce the fat on my cheeks…can u please suggest that any exercise to loose fat content
Chewing gum,daily may help you reduce your facial fat.
Myself Bhavik . I am 27 years old and my face is very small because of which i am facing marriage issue. I am getting rejected due to my small face . I want to increase my face width and height.Is there any way or possibility to increase it.
Can you recommend me facial exercise i shall do to increase it.
Hi mam.
My face is so small and i m 5″10 and it doesnt match my body at all so can you please tell me some exercise to enlarge the size of face.
How to make a mouth in slim and handsome..???
My Face is heavily larger than my body.Please mam, Help me out.I am so tired of this thing. I even tried few exercise called “kissing fish” , but it didnt work.
hi , iam amit
i wana sme hlp frm u ..
mam/sir i also have chubby cheeks , which doesnt suit on my personality, i hve 5″11 … evry thng is gud , bt jst wana a little chnge , on my face , jst slim type .. please hlp me out …
hi mam my name is Sneha I m 23 year old and my height is 5.3 but I have small and chubby chick face which is doesn’t suit on my body…give me some suggestion that I can I get my face slim…
My name is pavan I am 5.7 feet height. I have a very small forehead and face which is not matching my body…can u suggest any excercises to enlarge the size of my face
kindly help me as my face is soo small , my cheeks are also Small and my eyes r also small .so plss tell me the exercises for overall.
I want to change my face completely my face is thick n my nose is to thick due to that more people decry me n i want to look dashing n awsm plz help me
My face is too small according to my body. it looks so dirty…plzz tell me some exercise to increase face length.
I m sahil. I age 21… I’m 5 feet 9
inches tall… and have a broad shoulders
and a good build… but I have a very small
face which is not matching my body…can
u suggest any excercises to enlarge the
size of my face pls…
My face is too small according to my body. it looks so dirty…plzz tell me some exercise to increase face length.
i have masculler body…but my face is very small….in compare my body…please help me ….how to get a attractive and big face
Hello mam….my face is small and fat too I feel….as in my pics I feel so…..and my lips too are looking big..are there such some exercises….plz hllp….and where to get ans of this query…will u mail me the ans…plzz convey nd plzz hlp me out…thanku
mam, I have a very small face in comparison to my body which doesn’t suits me at all. can u plzzzz suggest me some exercise to increase the size of my face and cheeby cheeks in no time.
I am kavitha, i am 20 years old, my height is 5 feet 6 inches .my face is very small which is not suitable to my body so can you suggest me any exercise to enlarge the size of my face….
imy name is kishor age of 22 years.i have ideal face even i have more fat .plz give me some advise to remove my fat content in the face
I highly recommend face thin tool does work bought it a long time ago and my face looks good people thin i am much younger because the face thin not only burns the fatty around face but also makes face tighter. That’s the only thin that will make your face thin.
plz suggest me how can I grouth my cheeks and my body bcz I am now 22,and I am 5’5″. so sir/ madam plz suggest me some real facts that I do easily.
Thanks & Regards,
sankarsan sahu
Mam plz suggest me some exercises to get chubby cheeks.My cheeks look sunken!
pls suggest me some gud n effective exercise to get chubby cheeks..
I’m 6 feet tall… and have a broad shoulders and a good build… but I have a very small face which is not matching my body…can u suggest any excercises to enlarge the size of my face pls…
I’m ansh… my age is 18… I’m 6 feet tall… and have a broad shoulders and a good build… but I have a very small face which is not matching my body…can u suggest any excercises to enlarge the size of my face
i want chubby cheeks and i want to increase the s
ize of my face,do u suggest any medicines for it?
i want chubby cheeks.bcz i dnt have cheeks,plz give me some ecercise
i want my face broad and heavy…plzz suggest me something that really will work
how to get a chubby cheeks
I’m anubhav… I age 22… I’m 5 feet 8 inches tall… and have a broad shoulders and a good build… but I have a very small face which is not matching my body…can u suggest any excercises to enlarge the size of my face
hi madam, i want cheeks and good body pls give me suggestion pls
hi, madam i want chubby cheeks.bcz i dnt have cheeks,plz give me some ecercises.
hi, will you please give some tips or exercise to built my cheeks?
hi madam,
Please what to do to stop having sunken cheeks and a bony face?
pls suggest me some gud n effective exercise to get chubby cheeks..
pls give me some tips to get chubby cheeks
Hi. Plz suggest exercises and diet for crowfeet, nasolabial folds, wrinkles around mouth and frown lines.
hi, will you please give some tips or exercise to built my cheeks?
Please suggest me some exercises for hollows just beneath the eyes where the cheek bone starts
can we do the face exercises daily?
need to improve my cheek lift, need exact exercise
I have this problem, under eyes sags and also at the cheekbone area, so there are hollows under my eyes and both sides of the face from cheeks until mouth and the lines from nose to mouth is so prominent.
is there any way to firm up these area to look younger
please suggest any exercise
thank you
I’m abhinay… I age 21… I’m 5 feet 9 inches tall… and have a broad shoulders and a good build… but I have a very small face which is not matching my body…can u suggest any excercises to enlarge the size of my face pls…
Hello Madam,
I have gone through and and made ,my mom try some of the exercises mentioned by you and believe me its been 3 months and the results are awesome!
So firstly let me thank you for the same!
Also can you help me with one problem, its that of chubby cheeks i want my cheeks to look,more contoured ‘n’ toned..please help with the same let me mention here that im a slim girl my problem is my chubby face
I would really appreciate if you help me out!
Tina mirani
Please tell some tips how to grow my cheeks to be plumpy and good
Pl. suggest me some exercise for drooping jaw line and Vertical line around the lips