The top 5 reasons to embrace the Ayurveda lifestyle

Consider blending Ayurveda into your lifestyle for its range of health benefits and the array of flavours and traditions that accompany it

Include ginger turmeric into your diet. Ayurevda lifestyle concept
Include spices like turmeric and ginger in your regular diet to gain from the Ayurveda lifestyle

Ayurveda, roughly translated to ‘knowledge of life’, is a traditional lifestyle approach which has been a feature in Indian families for generations and is part of the Indian routine via food ingredients and spices such as ginger, turmeric, curry leaves and flax seed in various forms.

For those looking to lead a more balanced lifestyle, summer is a great time to consider the Ayurvedic approach, not only for its range of health benefits, but also for the array of flavours and traditions that can be introduced as part of the holistic healing system.

Let’s look at a few reasons why you should consider incorporating Ayurveda into your lifestyle.

The top 5 reasons to embrace the Ayurveda lifestyle

1. Ayurveda aids gut health and digestion

Ayurveda’s primary ingredients are key in aiding gut health and combating indigestion.  Ayurveda supports the digestive system through the regular consumption of foods including fennel seeds and ginger, both of which can be enjoyed in their raw form [in moderation], or used as an ingredient within a meal.

The Ayurvedic method treats digestion as something that needs to be continually managed and looked after, as opposed to an issue that is only treated when it is inflamed. This approach can result in longer term, more sustainable gut health management as well as better resistance to indigestion issues over an extended period.

Ayurvedic ingredients are also excellent for soothing indigestion. For example, warm spiced drinks that include cumin, coriander and fennel can gently ease gut issues that occur after eating.

2. Ayurveda is easy to blend into your lifestyle

One of the most appealing qualities of Ayurveda is how easy it is to introduce into any lifestyle. Where a drastic new diet may force you to change your whole lifestyle and avoid some of the things you usually like to eat, Ayurveda can slot into your existing routine whilst offering an array of added wellness benefits.

Ayurveda is also becoming more popular in Western societies. From skin- and hair-care products infused with Ayurvedic ingredients, to the growing number of Ayurvedic health practices and doctors setting up in the UK, Ayurveda is becoming more accessible than ever.

3. It is a holistic approach towards wellbeing

More than merely another ‘eating regime’, Ayurveda has gained tremendous popularity in Indian culture over the centuries, thanks to its holistic attitude towards health, bringing together meditation, gut health, skincare and haircare.

When consuming key Ayurvedic ingredients, many of the vitamins and nutrients that aid gut health and digestion are interconnected and affect other aspects of health and wellbeing, including skin and hair. This is the same when used as topical treatments too. For example, turmeric is great for digestion but also hosts antioxidant qualities which promote healthy skin, scalp, and strong hair. Turmeric, chickpea flour, yoghurt and lemon juice when mixed together makes for an excellent skin mask! Another example includes flax seeds which not only contains Omega-3 which helps blood pressure, but also has anti-ageing properties and is known to help tighten and moisturise the skin.

4. It brings authentic flavours

The Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle approach also provides access to a whole host of delicious, authentic Indian foods and flavours. From curry leaves to ginger and turmeric, Ayurvedic ingredients are wonderful South Asian food additions that have been in family recipes for generations.

When it comes to dealing with gut health, skincare and overall wellbeing, the option to do so through a flavourful diet is a key factor in the successful history of Ayurveda.

5. The Ayurveda lifestyle is cost effective

Understandably, many people can be concerned about the costs associated with overhauling their lifestyle, but over time Ayurveda has become more budget friendly than ever. When introducing Ayurvedic ingredients to a meal, it only takes a simple recipe tweak to elevate its flavour whilst adding numerous extra health benefits.

With the choice of using fresh ingredients or dried and packaged variations, there are options to suit every budget. For example, flax seed is a great source of Ayurvedic benefits, and can be bought in bulk to reduce costs and then added to many different dishes, both sweet and savoury.


With its multitude of healthy qualities, it is no surprise Ayurveda is so quickly making its way into Western homes, and there are many ways to incorporate the tradition and reap its numerous benefits.

Offering a lifestyle that is sustainable, healthy and benefits not only physical wellbeing but mental health too, it is only a matter of time before Ayurveda cements itself as an essential in many more households.

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Aradhana Bhandari is the founder of health and wellness brand, Kacchi London. Created to aid digestion and overall gut health, Kacchi London is heavily influenced by Aradhana’s Indian heritage and family history. With multiple successful product launches since the conception of the brand, Aradhana has become an experienced player in the health and lifestyle industries.


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