Home 2014 July

Monthly Archives: July 2014


August 2014 issue: Forgiveness: Unlock that energy

How does one go about forgiving someone who has wronged us? Colleen Haggerty explains in this issue with a heartrending story of bitterness and eventual forgiveness

Confessions of a person with OCD

Obsessive compulsive disorder is driven by a need for control in a world that is, unfortunately, frightening for those afflicted by it

Opening up to open adoption

What happens when adoptive parents keep in touch with biological parents of the baby? Lori Holden answers

How are mindfulness and compassion related

Jon Kabat-Zinn shares how mindfulness relates to compassion quoting Einstein and Tibetan wisdom in the same breath.
An angry child

How to manage your angry child peacefully

Dealing with your kid’s tantrum means trying to work with them to understand their anger

Leadership and the art of delegation

What separates great leaders from ordinary ones is the way they delegate, says Carolyn Stevens

Innovation in current times

Joi Ito shares his experience of developing a citizen-science project and draws the innovation principles of the time.
Illustration depicting listening

The Enormous Value of Listening

More than open ears, our conversations need open hearts, suggests Lynne Goldberg

Appreciation: developing a sense of wow!

Each day offers us numerous opportunities that deserve our appreciation, if only we look for them
Sprout mix

7 health benefits of sprouts + how and what to sprout

Sprouts are a convenient way to augment the nutrition quotient of your meals