Hot chocolate for sharp thinking
Hot chocolate helps seniors maintain good thinking abilities, says new study
Pregnant smokers care less about their unborn baby
New study links low foetus attachment with high smoking during pregnancy
Gender differences in how oxytocin works
New research identifies the gender differences playing their part in how oxytocin affects our perceptions of social interactions.
Cell phones, though portable, reduce physical activity
Smartphones promote a sedentary lifestyle though they are portable, says new study
Depressed individuals have vague goals
New study explores association between depression and abstract personal goals
How the cricket ball goes around
Scientists explain how a spinning cricket ball moves with mathematical model
Lose weight to improve memory
Memory improves after losing weight, finds new study
Once a week as good as twice
Lower-back pain relief by attending yoga classes was same whether classes attended once a week or twice a week
Morality creates minds
Research indicates we view a mind in a robot too, because of the moral biases that we carry
Get infected, get moody
Infections increase chances of getting mood disorders, new research indicates.