Becoming happy improves your health
We know that happier people are healthier, but does becoming happier lead to better health? Apparently it does, says new research
Your eyes are the window to your past trauma
Your eyes can reveal if you have suffered a traumatic experience in the past, reveals a new study by Welsh academics
Asthma risk is higher among teens who sleep late
Teenagers who like to stay up late into the night have a greater predisposition to asthma and allergies, according to new research
Learning new skills: Key to better cognitive skills at old age
Word puzzles may not be enough, the brain needs bigger challenges at an old age to stay in prime fitness
Now breath tests can detect lung cancer
Simple breath analysis could detect lung cancer, no CT scans, no blood tests... that's the promise of a new study.
Sleep deprivation causes you to buy more food
New study explores role of lack of sleep in the night on the quantity of food bought the next morning.
Spare the rod…but is discipline by yelling fine?
Obviously beating kids to discipline them is wrong. But what about just yelling? Is that better or is that not ?
Fewer working hours not a guarantee of happiness at work
New South Korean study reveals that reduction in working hours did not significantly improve overall job and life satisfaction
Helping others through charity brings us happiness
But we feel happier if we help someone we know and the act helps form a bond, says new study
Debt is hazardous to health
Increased debt leads to decrease in health, reports new study