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Minnu Bhonsle

Minnu Bhonsle
Dr Minnu R Bhonsle, PhD, is a Mumbai-based consulting psychotherapist and counsellor. She conducts training programmes in Personal Counselling [Client-centred Therapy] and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, and also workshops in Stress Management, Art of Listening, Couple Therapy, and Communication Skills. Minnu has co-authored the book, The Ultimate Sex Education Guide along with Dr Rajan Bhonsle.

How to cope with crisis

It only takes a moment for your world to come crashing down. In the silence that follows the bang, it's you and the pieces of your life. But there's hope and help. After all, life has to move on

When storks visit

To parents, their children's sexual development may seem a long way off. But actually, kids develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality in many subtle ways as they grow

Encounters of a marital kind

Disagreements need not break a healthy relationship if some ground rules of confrontation are kept in mind

Healing a terrorist mind

A close look at terrorists and what converts a human being into a Frankenstein

Fears stalk marriages

A healthy relationship can be hampered by hidden fears and anxieties

Body Image: Self esteem is key

Lack of self-esteem, due to a negative body-image, can adversely affect a relationship

Spiritual lessons from a natural disaster

Every natural disaster teaches us spiritual lessons and makes us realise the value of life we live

EARLY MARRIAGE: Look before you leap

Marrying hastily, without proper and mature consideration about the conseqeunces, could lead to separation.

PORNOGRAPHY: It can affect your marriage

Pornography is that compulsive behaviour which destroys your marriage by slowly deteriorating the bonds of love and trust

Middle Age: Caught in the Middle

The helplessness of elders and the curbing freedom of youngsters is often talked-about. But it is forgotten that the middle generation is also suffering, caught in the middle between two generations they love