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J P Vaswani

J P Vaswani
J P Vaswani (2 August 1918 – 12 July 2018) ), affectionately called "Dada", was a spiritual leader with a difference. His message of love and forgiveness resonated deeply with millions of people around the world. He spearheaded Sadhu Vaswani Mission, which he took over after the passing away of his master T L Vaswani. The mission has centres around the world and continues to do humanitarian work. Dada has received the prestigious U-Thant Peace Award for his dedicated service to the world peace.

All hues and shades

A master's thoughts on love.

Health and happiness are inseparable, says Dada Vaswani

Health is a prerequisite to happiness. Without one, the other rarely exists

Where have you laid your trust?

Believe in God! Trust in Him completely. Know that He will always do the very best for you

What do you think of God?

Learn to submit to the Will of God. Because even if you reach out to the moon and conquer the stars, you shall continue to wander from restlessness to restlessness

Ignorant prisoners

All of us are shackled by our desires and karma, and we don't even know it

Humble be

We are but means by which God works, so let's remain humble in spite of our achievements

Pray! Pray! Pray!

There is no gesture as simple and as powerful as a prayer to connect with the Almighty

Cultivate your soul

This is the only way to build character, realise your purpose and spread love

Nothing lasts forever

Every moment is a fleeting one, no phase is constant. Remember this and you'll find it easier to tide through rough times

Seek His love

Pray to God not for success or money but for His love; once you get that, all else will automatically follow