Home 2021
Exposure to nature necessary for children’s wellbeing
The presence of greenspaces is strongly associated with improved physical activity and mental health outcomes in kids, according to a massive review of data from nearly 300 studies
Brain waves can reveal where your mind meanders
Tuning out the external world and allowing thoughts to move freely promotes relaxation and exploration, findings suggest
What we hear depends on what we expect to hear
Neuroscientists show that not only the cerebral cortex but the entire auditory pathway represents sounds according to prior expectations
New understanding of brain’s fear response
A deeper understanding of the brain's fear response mechanism could lead to better ways to help people with anxiety disorders, says new research
Does COVID-19 increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease?
Is the world prepared for a wave of neurological consequences that may be on its way as a result of COVID-19? This question is at the forefront of research underway at the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health.
Obesity during pregnancy may impede fetal brain development
Mother's obesity may play a role in fetal brain development, suggests new research
The importance of childhood connection to natural world
Children who feel a stronger connection to natural world are more likely to work towards protecting it, a new review has found
Your eyes are the window to your past trauma
Your eyes can reveal if you have suffered a traumatic experience in the past, reveals a new study by Welsh academics
Novel treatment for newborn babies needing emergency blood transfusion
In the first-of-its-kind study, a study suggests that the mother’s blood could be life saving for her newborn baby, even if the mother has a different blood group compared to the newborn baby
Why the timing for taking your medicine matters
How the planned use of time in medicine and synchronised dosages help tackle illness effectively