Baby potatoes sprinkled with sambar masala

Baby potatoes with sambar masala recipe

Baby potatoes are an excellent low-calorie source of fibre and the ultimate comfort food. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, especially when consumed with the skin.

Here is a quick and easy baby potato recipe that you can have either as a starter or a side dish. Try it today!

Baby potatoes in sambar masala recipe


  • Baby potatoes: 250g
  • Mustard seeds: 1 tsp
  • Oil: 1tbsp
  • Sambar masala powder: 1 heaped tbsp
  • Salt: as per your taste preference


  1. Wash the baby potatoes and place in a pressure cooker with sufficient water. Cook for not more than two whistles.
  2. Once the pressure settles, drain the water and place the potatoes in a colander. You may peel the potatoes or leave the skin on. Cut each potato into two halves.
  3. In a pan, heat 1 tsp oil. Add mustard seeds and let them splutter.
  4. Then add the potatoes and toss around.
  5. Once they have browned a bit, lower the flame and add salt and sprinkle sambar masala evenly over the potatoes. Toss around so that the masala powder coats the potatoes well. Cover the pan and let it cook for few minutes.
  6. Serve hot

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Grazilia Almeida-Khatri
Trained as a physician, Dr Grazilia Almeida-Khatri is a health and wellness consultant and helps people reverse diseases via lifestyle changes. She endorses yoga as a way of life and conducts wellness and yoga retreats for individuals and organizations. She is also trained in Pilates by Michael King, who is based in the UK. Dr Grazilia lives in Pune, India and offers consultations in person and online.


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