Having your heart broken by the person you loved the most can feel like an ugly place to be in. You hope against hope that it’s all just a bad dream and things will be all rosy again once you wake up. But the truth is, they are not coming back to mend your broken heart — you have to do it yourself.
For those who have had their heart broken and experienced the mental and physical turmoil that often accompanies it, you’re not alone. New research by ComparetheMarket reveals the average American has endured heartbreaks 2.55 times in their life, with each taking 13.48 months to overcome.
If you have had your heart broken recently and are struggling to cope with your feelings, it’s time to stop waiting for someone else to rescue you from this miserable place and take charge of your own emotions. To help you get started, we have prepared a list of suggestions that can help you begin to repair your broken heart and find peace.
6 ways to help mend a broken heart
1. Start practising Yoga or any other physical activity
Yoga in the morning sun, a relaxing swim in the pool, a long walk in the garden, an intense dance fitness workout or strength training at the gym — any of these physical activities can help to make you feel a better. Exercise of any form releases endorphins [feel good hormones] thereby improving your emotional health. Pranayama, in particular, helps tremendously as it involves conscious breathing. It provides a sense of groundedness that helps to accept the reality of your life situation gracefully.
2. Travel
Travel can be an excellent way to divert your mind. Book yourself a group holiday or if it’s your thing, then go solo. Travel allows you to meet and socialize with new people, explore different cultures, and most importantly time to rediscover yourself. Travel doesn’t necessarily have to mean for days or weeks, even a night’s stay at a getaway would make a difference. Of course, be sure to not go to a place that will remind you of your ex and the time you both spent together. Read Whichever way you do it, travel always enriches you.
3. Explore a new form of art
Indulging in any form of art helps to bring the mind to the present moment and practice mindfulness [practically!] If you’re immersed in creating something new, you can’t possibly be reminiscing about the past or think anxious thoughts about your future. Be it dancing, singing, painting, knitting or pottery, pick any art or hobby that you’re keen to explore and give it all you have. You can also use the canvas to express your bottled emotions.
4. Read
Having someone else give words to your emotions can be like a healing balm. That’s the magic of reading the right books when you’re going to a heartbreak. It can be therapeutic and validating too. The right book may make you cry and bring on feelings of anger, guilt, sadness initially but it eventually helps you feel better. Books based on people’s lives that have gone through similar situations and come out of it valiantly will inspire you to do the same. Try reading books like When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön and God on a Harley by Joan Brady.
5. Start writing a journal
Heartbreak involves a myriad feelings, it’s a mix of sadness, despair, anxiety, disappointment, anger, denial and even guilt may be. Writing down exactly what you are feeling can help you process your emotions better and give an outlet to your feelings as well as give your closure. You may begin to feel lighter and probably even see the silver lining of this seemingly bitter event. Journaling will also help you understand what emotions you are having trouble dealing with the most.
6. Seek therapy
One of the top reasons for people to seek therapy is break-up and divorce. Often, dealing with the end of relationship can be too much to handle alone and you will need a seasoned professional like a therapist to hand hold you while you traverse this difficult path. A therapist can provide an unprejudiced listening ear, help you sort out and make sense of all the mixed emotions you will be feeling and also help you to plan a way forward for yourself.
The end of a relationship is a big, though sad, event for most people. There will be tears, sadness and may be sleepless nights too. But take heart in the fact that you’re not the first one going through this situation and it won’t last forever. There will come a day when you will smile and feel joy, and even look forward to finding love in life again.
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