A quest to cherish

There is no such thing as "an ideal life"; there's only a quest to learn, to grow and to become a greater version of oneself, says the editor of Complete Wellbeing

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Someone once asked me, “Is it possible to live the ideal life as prescribed by Complete Wellbeing? And do you follow the advice of the experts and masters that you feature?”

I cannot say about others but reading inspirational wisdom featured within Complete Wellbeing and elsewhere has helped me expand my awareness of myself as well as of the world. And isn’t awareness the only way one can bring about any transformation within oneself? Reading stimulates my mind and leads me to question the status quo and reflect on my thoughts, feelings and behaviour. I have become much more open-minded and a lot less rigid about my worldview. Yet, I must say that cobwebs accumulated over years cannot be cleaned in one sweep—it requires persistence. De-conditioning deep-rooted beliefs requires deep-rooted conviction and persistence.

Perhaps the greatest contribution of good reading to my life has been the sheer volume of unlearning I have gone through. Owing to the wisdom I have gained from reading inspirational stuff, I have managed to free myself—and continue to do so even now—from  hundreds of old, useless and outdated beliefs that didn’t serve my highest good.

I owe a lot to those who have shared deep insights about the various aspects of life—they have helped bring out my latent strengths, while simultaneously pointing out the weaknesses that hold me back. Reading has taught me that the heights of love, peace, joy and fulfilment are not reserved for a chosen few—they are available to anyone. Whether or not I end up reaching those heights depends only on one thing—my choice.

“An ideal life” doesn’t exist

Coming back to the question at the start, not only am I far from living the ideal life, I don’t think I’ll ever get there—for that’s not the goal. To repeat an old cliché, happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey. But I do believe it is possible to live a richer life than I am living now. I also know that there’s only one corner of the universe I have the power to change, and that corner lies in me. Through Complete Wellbeing, we try to bring this awareness to our readers.

And no, I don’t follow every advice given in Complete Wellbeing—it’s not even designed that way. It is structured in a way that allows us to choose the thoughts and ideas that resonate within and then experiment with them to find our individual truths. Knowledge can be transferred, but experience has to be gained firsthand. No matter how sound the advice, no one else can live my life for me. And what’s more, there’s no “ideal life”… there’s only a quest to learn, to grow and to evolve into a greater version of oneself.  It’s this quest that I am learning to cherish. What about you?

This was first published in the February 2014 issue of Complete Wellbeing.

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  1. Very well answered Mr. Khatri… the idea of a richer life, an enjoyable life despite life’s ups and downs is fast loosing its sheen due to numerous literature, confusions, disbelief but I have always been a fan of complete well being, because its simple, to the point and practical. Appreciate your answer. Regards.


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