No Fault in Our Stars (Or Why I Don’t Consult Astrologers)

Astrology may help ease the problems in your life but can hamper your spiritual growth, says the author

Star signs in the sky

A friend introduced me to a well placed gentleman — a vice president of a major corporation. I was meeting him to discuss some work, so I had no clue that he was also a professional astrologer. When I entered his house, I had to wait for a while since he was reading the horoscopes of some of his clients. I observed him as he advised his clients and suggested ‘treatments’ for the various problems that their stars were creating for them. To be honest, I liked his gentle demeanor — he was compassionate and genuinely interested in helping those who approached him. Yet, when he asked me to share my details, I wasn’t comfortable. Astrology was not for me, I told him.

It’s not just the question of belief. Many people dismiss astrology because they consider it a pseudo science. Not me; I don’t question its validity—I confess that I don’t know enough to pass such a judgement.

Astrological Treatments Prevent Spiritual Growth

My reasons for not seeking the help of the occult sciences such as astrology, numerology and palmistry come from an altogether different space. I have come to view problems as necessary for my life experience. I have learned that all growth — physical, emotional, spiritual — is the result of facing and overcoming challenges. Without them, my life would be lackluster and devoid of any meaning. Of course, that doesn’t mean that I rejoice when I face obstacles, or invite them on every occasion. But when they do appear, I know that they have come with a purpose — my growth. Then, if I try to use astrology to eradicate them, I give up this wonderful opportunity to grow.

I have come to view problems as necessary for my life experience

I often observe people who transmute their struggles into success by working sincerely and diligently and yet they credit their astrologer or palmist for their well-deserved success. In doing so, they give away their power to them. I ask them to consider the possibility that their belief in the treatment made it happen, not the treatment itself.

Don’t Strike a Poor Bargain

Having said that, I understand why so many of my friends and loved ones seek out astrologers to resolve their life situations. When pain becomes unbearable, the thought of relief is tempting.

I can say this because I too have succumbed to such temptations in the past, when I erroneously believed that my path should be free of troubles and pain at any cost. But eventually I reconciled that impediments are meant to be crossed, not removed. That’s when I resolved to meet my share of challenges without anyone’s help. This is because I realized that by trying to minimize the impact of ‘destiny’, I may succeed in improving the circumstances of my life in the present — but the price I pay for it is very high.

When I trade in my opportunity to grow in exchange for an easier life, I strike a poor bargain. In my view, ‘ease’ should be the outcome of growth, not a substitute for it.

Conclusion: Why I Leave the Stars Alone

So now I allow the stars to do what they were meant to, while I do what I am inspired to. And when I look upon the night sky, I sense that everything in the cosmos is perfect — even the great challenges and problems that I encounter from time to time. Here’s a secret: these days I notice that the stars appear to be twinkling much more — perhaps they’re winking at me in agreement.

This was first published in the October 2014 issue of Complete Wellbeing.

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Manoj Khatri
Manoj Khatri has spent the last two decades learning, teaching and writing about wellbeing and mindful living. He has contributed over 1500 articles for several newspapers and magazines including The Times of India, The Economic Times, The Statesman, Mid-Day, Bombay Times, Femina, and more. He is a counseling therapist and the author of What a thought!, a critically acclaimed best-selling book on self-transformation. An award-winning editor, Manoj runs Complete Wellbeing and believes that "peace begins with me".


  1. So true. Getting involved with astrologers and fortune tellers is actually relinquishing your personal power and opportunity for growth to external agencies…


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