Use chakra colour therapy to heal your life

The capacity for health and wellbeing is within us all - let colour therapy help you realise your potential

Chakra Colour Therapy

The colour of the light we see is determined by its wavelength. The wavelengths of the seven rainbow colours resonate with the seven main energy centres or chakras of the body. Everything has an energy field (electromagnetic field or aura), and this energy field is affected by other energies. Colour is one of these energies that affects us on all levels. We absorb colour via the skin and the eyes. Thus, the colour of the clothes we wear and the colours in our environment, all have an effect on our mood and feeling of wellbeing. Even those who are either colour-blind or cannot see at all benefit from colour therapy — though they may not see colours in the usual way.

The chakras or energy centres

If you can imagine the chakras/energy centres as a set of cogs/wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog/wheel needs to move smoothly for the clock/engine to work properly. Thus, balance of the energy in each of the body’s chakras is very important for health and wellbeing. Chakra colour therapy can help to re-balance and/or stimulate these energies.

The seven rainbow colours—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet—resonate with the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown chakras respectively, and the organs and glands therein. Colour energy can be used to energise or balance our chakras and act as a catalyst for the body’s own healing process.

Take, for example, a situation where you have been unable, for one reason or another, to speak your mind or express your needs and feelings. This can manifest as a problem in the throat chakra. The throat chakra relates to self expression. Thus, if your self expression has been blocked, the energy in this area will not be free flowing and in turn lead to a physical manifestation of disease.

Who can use chakra colour therapy

Chakra colour therapy helps on a physical level, which is perhaps easier to quantify. However, there are deeper issues around colours on the psychological and spiritual levels. Besides helping us enhance physical wellbeing, colour therapy can help us with emotional, mental and spiritual issues. It is a natural, holistic and non-invasive therapy that has no side-effects, and can be used on adults, children, infants and even animals. It can also be used along with any other medication — whether conventional or complementary.

How different colours work in chakra colour therapy

The colour red

RED is energising and warming, raises blood pressure and blood flow. Problems which can be helped with red include those related to poor circulation, kidney stones, diarrhoea, piles, colitis, problems with hips, legs and feet. Red relates to self-awareness and security issues.

The colour orange

ORANGE is warming and energising, helps clear phlegm and is a great antidote for depression. Problems which can be helped with orange include pre-menstrual syndrome, uterine fibroids, irritable bowel syndrome, prostatic disease and depression. Orange relates to self respect.

The colour yellow

YELLOW is uplifting and cleansing, and can be used for problems associated with the liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine and the pancreas. Problems include diabetes, pancreatitis, liver disease, peptic ulcer and gallstones. It is also helpful for breaking down calcification in arthritic joints and for cataracts. Yellow relates to self-worth.

The colour green

GREEN is balancing and harmonising, and it encourages normal cell behaviour. It is helpful for many problems including any relating to the immune system, heart, breasts and cancer. It is also a good “first aid” colour for trauma — physical or emotional. Green relates to love, for self and others.

The colour blue

BLUE is cooling and calming, helps to lower blood pressure and has antiseptic qualities. It can help problems such as thyroid complications, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, mouth ulcers, teething in babies and tonsillitis. Blue relates to self expression — the ability to speak our own truth.

The colour indigo

INDIGO is cooling, calming and a great pain killer. It also has strong antiseptic qualities. It can help problems relating to the eyes, lower head and sinuses including tension headache, migraine, visual defects, glaucoma, catarrh, sinus problems and some ear problems. Indigo relates to self responsibility and intuition.

The colour violet

VIOLET is very calming and has antiseptic and anti-fungal qualities. It helps to quieten the mind and is helpful for many mental problems including epilepsy, senile dementia, Alzheimer’s and also helps with confusion and dizziness. It is helpful for insomnia. Violet relates to spiritual awareness.

Chakra colour therapy in everyday life

Colour is a part of our everyday life. There are many different ways of using colour to heal. Solarised water, light boxes/lamps with colour filters, colour silks and hands-on healing using colour are just some of the ways.


There are no known contraindications but one should always treat red with caution. This colour raises blood pressure and blood flow; therefore it should be not be used by someone with high blood pressure.

This is not to say that the person suffering from high blood pressure cannot wear/use red, but he/she should be aware of its powerful energy.

A professional colour therapist would always take comprehensive notes on the patient’s health before giving a treatment.

Important: Please be aware that no complementary therapy should be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice. If you are taking medication, you should first consult the prescribing professional before you stop taking it.

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Valerie Logan-Clarke
Valerie Logan-Clarke has been practising in the UK for approximately 10 years and is the founder of Colour Therapy Healing website. She is qualified in Colour Therapy, Anatomy and Physiology,and Colour Healing for Animals. Valerie offers colour therapy using various methods for both humans and animals. Whenever she does get some spare time, she takes a keen interest in nature, animal welfare and gardening.


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