Intelligence services
Current scenario
The intelligence services at times seem slow, casual and disjointed in information and intelligence sharing. They sometimes do not ‘follow up’ as keenly as they should, on the intelligence received and shared. This has resulted in several lacunae in the intelligence network. If the attitude is one of getting the information ‘off your back’, with the one receiving it doing the same, is it any wonder then that we talk about an ‘intelligence failure’ after every terror attack!
The intelligence services can function optimally only if they rid themselves of their physical and psychological laziness. If on the other hand, intelligence sharing between various departments is viewed as ‘just a job’, it will lack the ‘passion, precision and pro-active process’ that is required to counter the ‘passion, precision and pro-active process’ of the terrorist. All intelligence agents therefore, need to ‘give up their rest and give their very best’.
Systemic Change scenario
We need patriotic, passionate, persevering, and pro-active intelligence agents who are ‘always aware and active on the job’. We need them to process all information quickly and accurately, and pass it on in a way that the intelligence is actionable on the ground, as well as ‘follow up’ on the intelligence shared. We also need assertive intelligence agents who ask for sophisticated equipment, technology and training, to upgrade and modernise their intelligence gathering facilities from the sanctioning bodies, and who correctly and concertedly utilise such upgrades. We also need them to retain their separate entities as intelligence agencies only from an allocation of roles point of view, but otherwise non-egoistically function under a common command and control which co-ordinates all agencies for national security.
Law enforcement and security personnel
Current scenario
Most security and law enforcement personnel at the local level seem to be unprepared and unmotivated to take urgent action. More so because they are ill-equipped, with limited training and unsophisticated/obsolete arms [often not even in working condition], too many hours on the job, and too meagre a pay, which makes ‘money on the side’ their primary way of life. The uniform and job are just a means to make this kind of easy money. Many crimes are committed, complaints get lodged but they often choose to not take note. It is this ‘laid-back’ attitude that can cost the ordinary citizen, who looks up to the cops for protection, his/her life. Terror alert letters lying unread, guards listening to cricket commentaries, watching television or drinking on the job, and unmanned security outposts, leave the common citizen feeling betrayed, scared and unprotected.
We do not want lazy cops who are slaves of the politician, the V.I.P., or anyone who greases their palms. Therefore, we need regular inspections and surprise audits of all security agencies to check whether the agencies are functioning optimally.
Systemic change scenario
We need only patriotic police personnel who are completely committed to the safety and security of each and every ordinary citizen on the roads. We need well-trained, well-equipped, well-paid, non-corrupt, alert and highly motivated police personnel who have the presence of mind to take urgent action, as and when required on the ground. We need a modernized and trained coastguard who is well-connected with other security agencies, and who is ‘alert’ during patrolling so that we know that our coastline is protected from infiltration.