Reiki for the airborne

Dispensing Reiki by simply "laying on of your hands" can alleviate your airborne ailments - and, that too without moving from your seat

ReikiFlying doesn’t come naturally to humans and certain maladies are, therefore, bound to occur, especially in long-haul flights, due to changing cabin pressure, motion, noise, vibration, and lack of activity.

The effects of flying, however, vary with individuals. Most commonly, passengers may complain of earache, swelling of feet, cramps, pain in shoulders and neck. Other ailments like stress, dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, toothache, headaches and migraines, respiratory problems, and even angina [chest pain], are also known to occur during flights.

Relief through Reiki

Modest medical resources on flights prompt passengers to look for alternative, natural therapies to provide relief from their in-flight sickness. Because of limitations of space on the airplane, simple options such as acupressure, reflexology, Reiki, massage, and yoga, appear feasible. Reiki best fulfils the criteria as relief can be had “in situ.”

Reiki involves tapping into unlimited supply of life force energy from the Cosmos and dispensing it through our hands – or, without them – to provide necessary healing to ourselves, or others.

Easy-to-learn and simple to manoeuvre, Reiki can be practised effectively anytime, anywhere, without the need for extra space, or gadgets.

Frequent fliers will find in Reiki a handy and safe tool to combat their in-flight discomfort.

Reiki accessibility

Acquiring the ability to access Reiki is necessary before you can dispense the healing energy to treat yourself, or someone else. This ability is passed on to you by a Reiki master through a process of “attunement,” in which the energy centres [chakras] are realigned and reactivated. Once you have been attuned, you can tap into unlimited supply of Reiki energy from the Cosmos, as and when needed.

Remember – the access to and movement of Reiki energy is not hampered during flight.


Whether you are plagued by severe pain, cramps, or some other complaint, you can get quick relief by following these steps, and even help a co-passenger.

  • Remain seated in your aircraft seat and do not remove your seat belts. However, some of the hand positions may necessitate unfastening of seat belt
  • Remove your shoes
  • Connect to Reiki by intent – to let the healing energy flow through your hands
  • For quicker relief, use degree two Reiki symbols [if you possess them] – but, Reiki can work even without them.

Key hand positions

The key hand positions form the core of all Reiki treatment. These have been well-researched and tried successfully, both on ground and onboard the aircraft, by this writer. These are, of course, designed to be practised within the confines of your airplane seat.


Ear pain is the most common medical problem that passengers experience while flying. It results from eustachian tube blockage, or barotrauma, due to changing cabin pressure and is more noticeable as the aircraft descends.

Dispense Reiki by placing hands on your ears with the middle fingers plugging the ear canals during landing. After that, keep your hands placed on the hara – the area beneath the navel – for about 10 minutes.


Treat by placing hands on the affected teeth/jaws from the outside. In case the ache is severe, focus Reiki on affected teeth/jaws from outside with the help of a “tripod” obtained by joining the tip of the thumb with the tips of index and middle fingers. It is also important to treat the opposite side, simultaneously.


Remain seated in your seat and channel Reiki by placing hands on the stomach, solar plexus, liver, back of solar plexus on the spinal cord, head, and kidneys, for three minutes in each position. Channelling Reiki on the upper abdomen helps in controlling vomiting.

Swelling of feet and DVT

Prolonged sitting in one posture in your airplane seat can result in swelling of feet and sometimes cause cramps in the calves. This can lead to Deep Vein Thrombosis [DVT], or other serious conditions.

Localised Reiki on your feet while keeping them raised from the ground is quite helpful. Also, impart Reiki on the ankles and calves.

Even if your are not into Reiki, you can still address cramps by stretching the feet inwards, and in straight line with the legs and the knees, while simultaneously stretching the toes and the fingers of the feet upwards towards your body.

Stomach cramps and spasms

Dispense Reiki to stomach; back of stomach; liver; intestines; head; kidneys, and watch stomach cramps disappear in 10 minutes.

Sandwiching upper abdomen between right hand in front and left hand on back acts like first aid for all kinds of stomach problems. Also, giving Reiki on the upper abdomen and lower abdomen [simultaneously] is helpful.

Dizziness, fainting or loss of consciousness

Reiki on the chest, forehead, temples, back of head and crown is useful. In case of loss of consciousness, give Reiki on the soles of both the feet.


Relief from severe headache can be obtained by placing hands on the temples; forehead; occipital lobes on the back of the head, and the crown.

Reiki Benefits

For passengers

  • Reiki is a handy and effective tool to combat airborne ailments such as ear pains, swelling of feet, stomach cramps, headaches/migraines, convulsion, and respiratory problems, usually encountered in long-haul flights
  • Works as a prophylactic to ward-off future ailments
  • Helps in improving the immune system and also offsets the effect of jetlag
  • Helps reduce stress of air travel so you reach your destination relaxed and re-energised
  • Relieves lower body circulation problems caused due to lack of mobility for a long time [Economy Class Syndrome].

For airlines

  • Reiki is an invaluable tool for in-flight staff and assists passengers to overcome common airborne problems
  • Adds to healthcare services on board, and passenger comfort.
V N Mittal
V N Mittal is a certified ReikiMaster Teacher and a freelance writer. He lives in Dehra Dun.


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