6 tips to make dull and dry skin look healthy again

Shahnaz Husain shares natural home-made recipes for beauty products to relieve dry skin

woman wearing snow cap smiling holding her cheeks

Only someone who suffers from dry skin will understand why the bottle of moisturiser is your best friend and winters are your least favourite season? Here’s what you can do to keep your skin looking healthy and well nourished.

  1. Avoid using soap and switch to using a cleansing cream or gel. Choose a cleanser or gel that contains aloe vera. Aloe vera is an excellent moisturiser and prevents the skin from getting dehydrated.
  2. To moisturise the skin, use a moisturising cream instead of a lotion. Even before applying make up, apply a thin layer of moisturising cream on the face.
  3. Use a sunscreen lotion with an SPF 30 or more before going out in the sun. The skin loses moisture to the atmosphere and this is more so in winter. Sun-exposure also causes moisture depletion. Dry skin lacks both, oil and moisture.
  4. Use a nourishing cream at night. You should massage it on the skin with a few drops of water. This helps to improve the skin’s moisture retention ability. Look for a nourishing cream that contains ingredients like wheatgerm oil, carrot, almond, vitamins A and E. Massage the face using gentle strokes, without pulling or stretching the skin.
  5. The area around the eyes is vulnerable to early lines and wrinkles as it is very thin and delicate. After light massage, apply an eye cream around the eyes and wipe it off after 10 minutes with moist cotton wool. Do not leave the cream on around the eyes when you sleep as it can lead to puffiness.
  6. Caring for the lips does not mean only smearing it with lip balm during the day. The skin on the lips is also very thin and lacks sebaceous [oil producing] glands. That is why it can become dry and chapped easily. Be sure to remove all residue of lipstick from the lips every night using a cleansing gel. After cleansing, apply almond cream on the lips and leave it on all night. This will help to soften the skin. Use lipsticks that have a moisturising effect and do not dry the skin.

Natural goodies for your skin

Cleanser for dry skin

Add two drops of any vegetable oil [olive, sesame or coconut] to one tablespoon of cold milk. Mix it well. With the help of cotton wool, use this mixture to wipe the skin.

Moisturiser for dry skin

Mix honey with one teaspoon orange juice and apply it on the face to make it soft and smooth. Wash it off after 20 minutes. Honey suits all skin types. For oily and acne-prone skin, mix one teaspoon honey with one teaspoon curd and a little turmeric. Wash it off with plenty of water after 20 minutes.

Applying egg yolk on the skin also helps to relieve dryness.

Face pack for dry skin

Mix together pulp of one ripe avocado with one teaspoon olive oil and egg yolk. Apply it on the face and leave on for 20 – 30 minutes. Wash off. Avocado and egg yolk moisturises and nourishes the skin. Olive oil softens the skin and also restores the normal pH balance.

Moisturiser for oily and combination skin

It’s not just dry skin but oily skin too that tends to become dry, especially in winter, though it is only superficial dryness. To 100ml rose water, add one teaspoon pure glycerin. Shake well to mix. Pour this mixture into a glass bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. This lotion can also be used to moisturise the face, hands and feet.

Moisturiser for full body

To prepare a fragrant body massage oil, mix four drops of sandalwood essential oil and four drops rose essential oil to 100ml pure sesame seed or olive oil. If you want to use only one of these two essential oils, then add eight drops of it. Make sure that you do not use essential oils by themselves. They must be added to carrier oils.

This article first appeared in the November 2015 issue of Complete Wellbeing.

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