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Cheryl Gerson

Cheryl Gerson
Cheryl Gerson has been in psychotherapy practice in New York for over 25 years. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Board Certified Diplomate, she has a passionate interest in how relationships work. Her training has helped her develop a broad spectrum of techniques, to work collaboratively with clients in finding what they want, or what they need.

Siblings: best of enemies, worst of friends

Relationships between siblings are sometimes plagued by resentment, anger and blame. Here’s what they can do to bring the love back

When three is company

Cheryl Gerson expounds on whether it’s possible to love and live with more than one

Jealousy and envy: Are they really as bad as made out to be?

Jealousy and envy are known to be negative emotions. They actually can also give some positive results. But how?