January 2012 – Change made easy

I invite you to try Posen's approach to reinvent yourself this New Year's. Start right away!

Change today

blankSomeone once said, “Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.” It’s funny but true—New Year’s resolutions have become yet another device to stick to old, self-defeating habits.

Let’s face it. We all know very well the self-defeating behaviours that we need to change and the healthy habits that we ought to adopt. We also know the risks of staying put and the benefits of changing. Why then do we find it so hard to change? Because all change is uncomfortable—it requires us to embrace the unfamiliar. And, our longstanding beliefs, reinforced by our habits, only add to the problem.

If you are among those who are convinced that they need to change but have often found it difficult to make it happen, worry not. This New Year’s Eve, go ahead and make those resolutions—our lead story will help you stick to them.

Trending this month, David Posen presents a compelling case for personal change. First, he helps us understand change inside-out, then he explains how to make it happen and finally he outlines ways to sustain change. Using real-life examples, the author illustrates how change is often much less daunting than we think and therefore much easier to bring about. “Many people are cautious and see change as a threat or something to be avoided. I encourage a more welcoming attitude toward change— especially because it is the key to overcoming the losing games in which so many people are stuck,” writes the best-selling author and an expert on change management.

I invite you to try Posen’s approach to reinvent yourself this New Year’s. Start right away! And if the thought of postponing enters your mind, just remember British writer Karen Lamb’s words: “A year from now you will wish you had started today.”

Wish you a Happy New Year!

Manoj Khatri
Manoj Khatri has spent the last two decades learning, teaching and writing about wellbeing and mindful living. He has contributed over 1500 articles for several newspapers and magazines including The Times of India, The Economic Times, The Statesman, Mid-Day, Bombay Times, Femina, and more. He is a counseling therapist and the author of What a thought!, a critically acclaimed best-selling book on self-transformation. An award-winning editor, Manoj runs Complete Wellbeing and believes that "peace begins with me".


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