Dating Psychology: What Makes Us Attracted to One Another?

Attraction, in all its mystique and variety, remains a deeply personal and subjective experience

Dating Psychology concept

Attraction, a fundamental aspect of human experience, has captivated minds and hearts throughout the ages. Often, we find ourselves asking: what truly attracts us to one another? This blog post aims to uncover some aspects of dating psychology that help answer this very question.

Dating Psychology: What Makes Us Attracted to One Another?

The Role of Physical Attractiveness

Physical attractiveness undeniably plays a crucial role in sparking initial attraction. However, it extends beyond simple aesthetics. Researchers suggest that physical appeal also connotes health and fertility, especially in the context of evolutionary psychology.

The Intriguing Mystery of Similarity

Contrary to the old saying “opposites attract,” in reality, similarity plays an impactful role in attraction. Interests, attitudes, values — these elements form a shared psychological ground that bolsters a sense of connection and understanding between individuals. It’s easier to relate, empathize, and build a lasting relationship with someone who sees the world through a lens akin to our own.

The Social Exchange Theory

This perspective is rooted in economics. The Social Exchange Theory posits that relationships are formed and maintained based on a cost-benefit analysis undertaken by each party. Essentially, we engage in relationships that we perceive to offer the greatest rewards for the least costs. This balance might encompass emotional support, companionship, or financial security.

In fact, this theory can even apply to certain niche aspects of dating culture. They perceive these platforms as providing certain benefits — financial stability or lifestyle enhancements — that outweigh the potential costs.

The Impact of Personality Traits

Attraction isn’t merely skin deep. As much as physical attractiveness or economic benefits might kindle initial interest, personality traits serve as the lasting glue in relationships. Traits such as kindness, intelligence, and a sense of humor are often deemed essential in a long-term partner. This comes as no surprise — shared laughter, intellectual stimulation, and acts of kindness create profound, enduring bonds.

Attachment Styles in Relationships

John Bowlby, a British psychiatrist, proposed the attachment theory, suggesting that early childhood experiences influence our relationships in adulthood. There are three attachment styles: secure, anxious, and avoidant. People with secure attachments tend to have healthier, more satisfying relationships, while those with anxious or avoidant styles may face challenges in their romantic pursuits.

Chemical Factors Influencing Attraction

Believe it or not, our bodies are equipped with their own love potions! Chemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin play a major role in influencing attraction. Oxytocin, often referred to as the ‘love hormone,’ fosters feelings of bonding and trust. Dopamine and serotonin, on the other hand, are responsible for feelings of pleasure and wellbeing.

The Effect of Non-verbal Communication

Body language, eye contact, and other non-verbal cues can powerfully impact attraction. These signals serve as silent messengers of our feelings and intentions. Subtle gestures can intensify connections, making them crucial elements in the game of attraction.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an essential ingredient in any successful relationship. This trait involves the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions with empathy and skill. People with high EI generally communicate more effectively, practice better problem-solving skills, and foster healthier relationships.

The Power of Compliments

Compliments are a great way to show appreciation and express admiration for someone. People naturally gravitate toward those who make them feel good about themselves. Additionally, positive reinforcement can deepen existing bonds and encourage greater involvement in a relationship.

The Significance of Shared Experiences

Shared experiences add depth to relationships and help strengthen the bond between partners. They create a common history and offer an opportunity to create memories together. From a psychological standpoint, these experiences become part of the relationship’s narrative, making them cherished moments that can be relived and reflected upon.

The Power of Vulnerability

Vulnerability is hard to come by. It requires a certain level of trust and openness in order to achieve. However, taking risks and displaying vulnerability can lead to a greater sense of connection between partners. It creates a space for honest communication, understanding, and appreciation — all of which are essential components of successful relationships.

The Impact of Culture

Cultural norms have a major effect on dating psychology. How we perceive relationships, decide on partners, and conduct ourselves in a social setting can be heavily influenced by the cultures we are raised in. From the idea of arranged marriages in some South Asian countries to the notion of the “three-date rule” in the West, the impact of culture should not be underestimated.


While the science of attraction may seem intricate and vast, it essentially comes down to a mix of physical attributes, psychological compatibility, economic exchanges, personality traits, attachment styles, body chemistry, and non-verbal cues. Understanding these aspects can significantly enhance the comprehension of our own behaviors and preferences in dating, aiding us in building more satisfying relationships.

Yet, attraction, in all its mystique and variety, remains a deeply personal and subjective experience. It is a kaleidoscope of shared laughs, whispered secrets, subtle glances, and heart-to-heart talks. And maybe, just maybe, that’s the most beautiful part of it — the unpredictable, magical whirlwind of human connection that is truly beyond words.

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CW Staff writers are part of the research and editorial team at Complete Wellbeing. Every staff writer works under the guidance of the editor and seeks special inputs from our empaneled experts, whenever needed.


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